The Legend of Cora Linn

The Legend of Cora Linn “There cannot be a scene more romantic than this." By Kevin Robertson-Damer Thirty kilometres south of Glasgow, near the UNESCO World Heritage Site, New Lanark Mill, lie the Falls of Clyde. The area consists of four waterfalls; Bonnington Linn, Dundaff Linn, Stonebyres Linn and Corra…

Read more about the article The Witches of Pollok House

The Witches of Pollok House

The Witches of Pollok House Janet calmly proclaimed that the Lord’s illness was a dark spell laid upon him by witches. Her return to speech lending her some kind of alluring mysticism, she led servants from the manor to the house of Janet Mathie, the midwife of the nearby village…


The Vengeful Mermaid

The Vengeful Mermaid "Ye may think on your cradle- I'll think on my stane, An' there'll never be an heir to Knockdolion again". By Taylor Petrie A dozen or so miles south of Girvan, on the Ayrshire coast, stood the family seat of Knockdolian. This modest stone castle looked out…

Read more about the article The Gorbals Vampire
Credit: The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

The Gorbals Vampire

The Gorbals Vampire After school, hundreds of children of all ages armed themselves with blades and crosses, stakes and dogs and descended upon the city's Southern Necropolis to hunt the Gorbals Vampire. By Rebecca Brown In September 1954 in Gorbals, Glasgow, rumours had spread among the school children of a…