Glasgow & Clyde

As the most populated city in Scotland, Glasgow is a bustling urban landscape. Founded by St. Mungo in the 6th Century, the city has historically been a hub for shipbuilding and religion, and in more recent times culture and media. Unlike its more traditional East Coast counterpart, Edinburgh, Glasgow seems to look to the future. However, despite innovation roaring in its streets, Glasgow is still home to numerous urban legends. Having been a prehistoric settlement site, the stories of Glasgow reach back through time, home to recent legends such as the Gorbals Vampire, but also ancient wonders such as the Kempoch Stone.

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Rebecca Brown

The Legend of Cora Linn

The Legend of Cora Linn “There cannot be a scene more romantic than this.” By Kevin Robertson-Damer Thirty kilometres south of Glasgow, near the UNESCO

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Glasgow & Clyde

The Vengeful Mermaid

The Vengeful Mermaid “Ye may think on your cradle- I’ll think on my stane, An’ there’ll never be an heir to Knockdolion again”. By Taylor

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Rebecca Brown

The Gorbals Vampire

The Gorbals Vampire After school, hundreds of children of all ages armed themselves with blades and crosses, stakes and dogs and descended upon the city’s

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