The Milk White Doo

The Milk White Doo Pew, pew, My minny me slew, My daddy me chew, My sister gathered my banes, And put them between twa milk-white stanes; And I grew, and I grew, To a milk-white doo, And I took to my wings, and away I flew. By Rosie Young There…


The Black Bull of Norroway

The Black Bull of Norroway 'Seven long years I served for thee, The glassy hill I clomb for thee, Thy bloody clothes I wrang for thee; And wilt thou not waken and turn to me?’ By Rosie Young Once, a long time ago in Norroway, there lived three sisters. The…


First Footing

Scotland's first-footing Tradition Tradition asks for a very particular type of first-footer: dark haired men are preferred. By Rebecca Brown Scotland claims many traditions around Hogmanay, from crossing hands and singing Auld Lang Syne, to partying until the bells and beyond. One of the most interesting, however, is the notion of first-footing. …