Folklore Scotland
Welcome to Folklore Scotland [SCIO], where your journey into a world of legend is just a click away.
We want to make it as easy as possible to navigate the myths and legends of Scotland, so we have compiled the stories on our website into regional collections. We hope to build on our collection of stories by working with our team, contributors and partners. As a body, we seek to promote and preserve Scottish folkloric heritage by telling the tales of the past with the technology of today. You can learn more about our mission on our About Us page.
Discover Your Folklore
Learn about the stories that shaped Scotland.
Discover Folklore by region.
Find your local tales, myths and legends.
Promoting & Preserving Scottish Myths & Legends
In addition to compiling a diverse selection of folk tales on our website, we also share short tales and information about Scottish mythological creatures and artefacts on our social media.

We believe storytelling imparts valuable lessons on individuals and society alike and we hope to continue creating quality content that will help engage people with this tradition. Ultimately, we seek to utilise a strengthened engagement with fantasy to help the promotion and preservation of cultural heritage through the art of traditional storytelling with a 21st century twist.
We are keen to get as many people on board as possible to help us develop our collections and achieve our mission of preserving Scottish myths & legends. If you are interested in contributing, our contact details can be found on the About Us page.